Watergardens Shopping
Centre Town Square
- Client: QIC
Scope: Concept Design, Documentation, Contract administration for softscape
Location: Wurundjeri / Taylor Lakes, Victoria
Completed: 2021
The Town Square provides pedestrian access to and from the shopping centre providing the community with an area outside the centre to meet and socialise in the outdoors. Working collaboratively with the Architects and the client we developed an approach to planting design resulting comfortable and calm retail and outdoor dining environment.
Our planting design responds to the site constraints and complements the built form. Climbing plants grow up architectural columns then run along the structures provided lush green canopies.
Design strategies can be summerised as:
• Six plant mixes to provide variation in colour and form
• Three mixes of shade tolerant species
• Trailing and shade tolerant plants used towards the planted edges
• Productive plants used as feature plants in moments where there is increased solar access and as symmetrical treatments to corners and at entries