Brighton Oval Redevelopment • Recreation for everyone • Brighton Oval Redevelopment • Recreation for everyone •

Brighton Oval Redevelopment • Recreation for everyone • Brighton Oval Redevelopment • Recreation for everyone •

Brighton Oval Redevelopment

  • Client: City of Holdfast Bay
  • Location: Kaurna / Brighton, South Australia
  • Scope: Masterplanning, Concept Design and Documentation
  • Completed: 2020
Outerspace worked together with Tonkin Consulting to develop the master plan and detailed design for Brighton Oval. The site considers the needs of 4 sporting clubs including football, rugby, cricket and lacrosse which all have very different requirements.
Key landscape considerations have been to provide a coordinated suite of furniture, lighting and signage elements to contribute to the sense of place. The levels between buildings and existing external spaces required consideration of retaining, ramps and steps. Another key requirement is the development of WSUD initiatives and wider stormwater treatment considerations.